Booked in

Below is the list for those so far booked in for Round 6 of SWORDS 2018 at Plymouth RC

Please note this page is manually updated, so you name does not appear straight away.

Electric Buggys Club
Lyndon Hamer PRC
Philip Sawkins SCRC
George Fradgley PRC
Kevin Martidale SCRC
Paul Sayers PRC
Nitro Buggy
Lyndon Hamer PRC
John Soundy PRC
Sam Cobley KORT
Jonathan Firmin PRC
Dan Clark
Josh Graham PRC
Lochlan Apps
Maxim Cook PRC
Jack Hawkins
Chucky Roberts PRC
John Soundy PRC
Luke “Teletubby” Johns  PRC
Dan Clark
Adam Le Cheminant SCRC
Chris Luckett PRC
Keith Burgess KORT
Casey Jefferson KORT